Grossbusters Services Banner

Carpet Cleaning

Make your home feel (and smell) fresh again. We get the gross out by using the best and safest products and equipment to deep clean areas that the regular household vacuum just can’t get to.

Don’t give up! Call Grossbusters when you think there is no chance you can remove a stain from your carpet. We always get the dirt and allergens out of your carpets and keep your family safe from harmful pollutants.

Upholstery Cleaning

Dirty couches and chairs don’t scare Grossbusters. Whether it be hair from your pets or sweat and grease stains we guarantee you will feel satisfied with a fresh and hygienic sofa after we are done with it.

Prolong and preserve your furniture by calling us today. Click the pic to see how fresh these chairs we cleaned look!

Furnace and Duct Cleaning

Does the thought of cleaning your furnace make you shiver? You are one call away from having your home heated with purified air and maximum safety.

Saskatoon winters can get COLD. That is a lot of energy being used. Getting your furnace and duct vents cleaned professionally ensures a properly functioning system that isn’t draining your wallet on billing day.