Pet owners! Let’s Talk Carpets

Everyone knows having pets is one of the best and most rewarding experiences of our lives. Unfortunately if our carpets, rugs and upholstery could talk, they would beg to differ. But here are a few treats from Grossbusters Carpet Cleaning to keep the entire family and the household scent free from Fido’s afternoon surprises.

Rule Number One

Keep your cool! Your pet didn’t want to do this to your carpet. Things happen, it’ll get cleaned!

Clean Right Away

One of the best things we can do to maintain the cleanliness of your carpets and rugs is to clean is to clean it as soon as you notice there was an accident. Yes, it can be gross, but the longer the fluid is on the carpet the more it will absorb causing stains and cause prolonged odour issues. Cleaning up the mess right away also lets your pet know this area isn’t for marking their territory.

Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum

The only thing tougher than keeping up with the household laundry is keeping up with vacuuming seemingly endless pet hair, dander and dirty paw prints. You need to be consistent and thorough. This gets rid of visible pet hair, dirt and dust from your carpets.

Using crevice attachments is always recommended for pet owners to get the tough corners and other hard to reach areas. Brush attachments are also great for vacuuming pet hair, which travels up onto your furniture and drapes.

Pet Stain Remover

Pet stains are inevitable when you mix pets and carpets so it’s a good idea to always have pet stain remover on hand. When buying these environmentally safe household products keep in mind the material, density, texture, padding and solubility of your carpet.

Common Household Products

Here is a list of household products to have in your pantry in case there is an accident and the odour is too much to wait for the professionals:

  • white vinegar

  • baking soda

  • a spray bottle

  • clean towels (remember to dab not rub)

  • essential oils (for disinfecting as well as the smell)

  • vacuum cleaner with attachments

For wet messes, mix up your white vinegar with water in a spray bottle, add two tablespoons of baking soda and dab away at any wet areas. Add essential oils and use your vacuum cleaner as needed.

For solid messes, you will need a putty knife and dustpan. Sink the edge of the putty knife into the carpet at the edge of the mess and push it forward into the dustpan. Get the mess of the carpet first before the cleaners can do their work!

All pet stains are different and some simply require a professional to treat and solve the problem. If you are feeling like you are out of options, give us a call today to get the gross out!


Steam Clean Your Carpets!